My name is Adelir, a.k.a. Cherry.
I'm a 2000's kid based in the south of Brazil doing cool stuff with cool people as a full-time freelancer.
For the past few years I've been working with studios and clients to create stunning visuals and animations.
For the past few years I've been working with studios and clients to create stunning visuals and animations.
Selected Studios:
Beeld, BUCK, COLOSSAL, Dirty Work, Eido, Histeria!, Le Cube, Llama Studio, Mowe, Roof Studio, Santa Transmedia, Sibling Rivalry, The Youth
Selected Clients:
Selected Clients:
Apple, Cartoon Network, EA, Elo, Emerson Collective, Garena, GitHub, Globo, Havaianas, IBM, Moderna, Netflix, Pepsi Black, Riot Games, Spotify, Tiger Beer, Verizon